What are the goals of the coaching sessions?

The goals are set by the clients, Billy simply facilitates the journey. There is no destination that is “wrong” really. If you’re trying to get more into mystic, then we can go there. If you’re trying to find a soft landing in atheism, then we can find that too. If you’re desperately trying to hold on to some form of your current faith, then that’s fine too.

What experience does Billy have?

Billy has personally endured religious trauma. Stemming from his childhood through his young adult years, religion was an integral part of his life. Billy was not just a “back-row baptist” either - he was a licensed minister in the Baptist denomination from the time he was 14 years old. He then went into the military at 19, meeting people from all over the world, and all sorts of different faiths (even those without faith at all).

Despite this varying degree of beliefs, there was one thing he noticed, people were mostly good people no matter their beliefs. When Billy returned from the military he started to openly question the black and white nature of his childhood faith. Despite seeking to find a “happy medium” with his faith, those in Billy’s immediate circle lashed out, with most informing him in no uncertain terms that there was only one way to believe, and if he didn’t agree, he and his family were going to hell.

Billy ultimately took a personal walk of healing, feeling pretty isolated through that journey. He now hopes to help others not walk that journey alone.

Spiritual Trauma Coaching
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